Churchyard Memorials

View some of our range of Churchyard headstone Memorials suitable for Churchyards in the Bath & Wells, Exeter & Salisbury Dioceses

A Personal Service

View a selection of our headstone memorials below

Churchyard Memorials suitable for the Bath & Wells, Exeter & Salisbury Dioceses tend to be made from light/dark grey granite or soft stones such as Portland Stone. All shapes, sizes and designs are interchangeable however, the Church of England have set strict guidelines on the types of memorial permissible in their Church grounds. We are more than happy to guide you through all of this.
Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

Bath & Wells Diocese

Exeter & Salisbury Dioceses

Colour sample palette

Church Cemetery Memorial Regulation

The key difference between the memorial regulations of the Bath & Wells Diocese and those of the Exeter & Salisbury Diocese lies in the design and arrangement of the memorial bases and flower vases. In the Bath & Wells Diocese, memorials are required to have a block-style base with separate vases placed on either side or nearby for flowers. This design aligns with the traditional and uniform guidelines of the diocese.

In contrast, the Exeter and Salisbury Dioceses permit memorials with an integrated base design that includes built-in flower vases. This distinction reflects the specific regulations of each diocese, which must be followed when placing a memorial to ensure it complies with the respective churchyard’s guidelines.

To discuss your personal memorial requirements further, please get in touch.

If you have any questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to see if they answer them. If they don’t, do not hesitate to get in touch to ask.